Advertising Pilar

ADVERTISING COLUMNS - Early on, public authorities and advertisers recognized how well suited a free-standing presentation surface was for announcements and posters. A round advertising pillar was first erected as the famous Litfass pillar in the Kingdom of Prussia. Today, there are still over 50,000 of these advertising pillars in Germany. A rectangular pillar is similarly effective in advertising and can be used flexibly. It serves both as an eye-catcher and as an architectural design element. The constructions of any size can function both indoors and outdoors as orientation aids and message conveyors at the same time.

In combination with modern electrical and electronic forms of presentation, the design possibilities range individually or in combination from image advertising to specific product presentation.

Intellispot TV - Digital Signage Solution


Good advertising is perceived as information. With an indoor stele or indoor advertising pillar from IntelliSpot®TV, this effective advertising dual function is implemented in a clearly visible manner without being obtrusive. Especially in the trade fair and exhibition business, the individually shaped, designed and placed advertising pillars and steles help to optimize the customer approach. They point to companies, are visible from afar and convey desired content. Logo, product name and special offer find place on the indoor stele or indoor advertising pillar. The shape allows multi-sided design areas, which can contain different messages. Special shapes such as oval floor plans or integrated dynamic media such as monitors or ticker text increase the attention of the viewer.

Integrierte Digital Signage

Round and rectangular advertising pillars offer a variety of combination options with interactive and dynamic content on monitors and displays. A monitor pillar can be equipped with screens as cantilevers and can be aligned to multiple viewing angles and viewing positions. A monitor panel integrated into the stele or advertising pillar presents changing content that is framed by an image-forming overall appearance. Especially indoors, the almost unlimited possibilities for integrating content into the monitor pillar and monitor board can address the visitor, viewer and potential customer in a customized manner. Whether product and company information, answers to frequently asked questions, an update in the product range or an appealing image video, IntelliSpot®TV delivers the ideal pillars and advertising columns.

In the outdoor area

Presentations in the outdoor area achieve a special significance. When visitors, interested people and newcomers find their way around a large area, an outdoor stele or outdoor advertising pillar provides invaluable services. It makes it easier for those who have been informed in advance to find their intended destination. Others are still undecided where to find what they are looking for and are happy about informative signposts. Modern materials and construction methods also allow for highly differentiated equipment in outdoor areas. An embedded monitor panel and monitor column can be realized to the same extent as an indoor stele or indoor advertising pillar. IntelliSpot®TV uses the complete range of accessories and support technology to perfectly implement the presentation wishes in the outdoor stele and outdoor advertising pillar.

Flexible systems

Today's modular construction concepts allow for a detailed adaptation of the standing advertising medium to the respective requirement. The spectrum ranges from inflatable balloon steles to externally and internally illuminated sign displays and highly complex multimedia steles. All individual elements can be combined with each other and, for example, offer different depths of the information under the consistent corporate design. Stelae or pillar aisles create an atmosphere and can accompany both the welcome and the stay visually and informatively. Whether embedded in a complex digital signage solution from IntelliSpot®TV or as a stand-alone advertising medium, multimedia steles leave a convincing and lasting impression at the point of sale.

For more information please contact us at your convenience
Tel.: 06252 / 6990550

Solution video

ADVERTISING PILLAR – mit elegantem Design und umfangreicher technischer Ausstattung sind sie ein Blickfang für Ihre Kunden. Die mühelose Wartung und Aufstellung der Stelen spart Ihnen Zeit und Geld. Platzieren Sie Multimedia-Präsentationsstelen an stark frequentierten Punkten wie z.B. in der Eingangshalle oder in jedem Kundenbereich. Präsentieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen, Ihre Produkte oder Dienstleistungen mit individuell gestalteten Litfaßsäulen. Wir fertigen die Stelen in verschiedenen Größen und Farben, passend zu Ihrem Unternehmen.

Die Stelen können im Quer- oder Hochformat hergestellt werden. Mit unserer webbasierten Software können Sie den Inhalt kontrollieren und pflegen. Erstellen Sie geplante Kampagnen mit Bildern, Informationen und Filmen, die auf hochwertigen Displays an jedem Standort wirkungsvoll dargestellt werden. Mit einer digitalen Litfaßsäule erzielen Sie mehr Aufmerksamkeit als mit traditioneller Printwerbung. Mit informativen Inhalten schaffen Sie Kaufanreize und gewinnen neue Kunden. Geben Sie Ihren Kunden mit unseren Touchscreen-Informationsstelen die Möglichkeit zur Interaktion und lassen Sie Ihre Kunden entscheiden, welche Inhalte sie sehen wollen. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten unserer multimedialen Präsentationsstelen sind nahezu unbegrenzt. Die Präsentationsstelen können zur Darstellung von Neu- und Gebrauchtangeboten im Autohaus, in Banken zur Präsentation von Informationen, in Kaufhäusern zur Darstellung von Sonderangeboten, in Bahnhöfen, Flughäfen und Wartebereichen eingesetzt werden.

For more information, please contact us.
Tel.: 06252 / 6990550